Craigslist ad offers you shot of whisky, mentions wife's suicide. Oh yeah, its a five-speed, want to shift gears? The photo alone says a lot about the nature of this Craigslist automotive ad. You know this can't end well for the seller or the buyer. Seriously? A line about a miscarriage and a suicide follows the photo of the 5-speed shifter wrapped in a Crown Royal bag. This should instantly give pause to anyone in the market for a used 1989 Nissan Maxima. The ad, which appeared on the hugely popular, classifieds website, Craigslist, is a reminder of the painful desperation that can be uncovered by scanning a few of the millions of CL ads from around the world. Consider this a lesson in car buying and selling. Don't try this at home.
Placing a Craigslist automotive ad is easy. Selling a car with a poorly written and photographed ad is nearly impossible. |
New clutch, wife committed suicide, trade for guitar
The text that appeared with the photo and Craigslist advertisement for the 1989 Nissan Maxima is shown below. (Spelling and capitalization corrected slightly)
"Got an 89 kouki maxima, factory 5 speed, need something small, new clutch, fairly new tires (80% tread), clean title, no mechanical issues, will trade for anything japanese, rwd, manual transmission (really want a miata or a 240sx hatch). Will consider certain Hondas also. If its worth it, I have a Fender Strat Squier and amp to trade, if it is worth it... I just need something small because I had a baby on the way but it miscarried and my wife committed suicide shortly after and I don't need it anymore. will also trade for a small truck..."
Sad ad
I'm sure the joy of shifting the Maxima's 5-speed manual transmission can never overcome the buzzkill created by this morbid Craigslist ad.
Don't worry if your having trouble selling a vehicle. There are millions of cars and trucks posted for sale on the internet everyday. Plenty of those vehicles remain unsold due to inept sellers. Junkyard Life has some surefire tips for you.
Don't worry if your having trouble selling a vehicle. There are millions of cars and trucks posted for sale on the internet everyday. Plenty of those vehicles remain unsold due to inept sellers. Junkyard Life has some surefire tips for you.
Bank on these Craigslist selling tips
- Don't mention the death of anyone related to the ownership of vehicle you are selling.
- Highlight the vehicle's positive attributes. (New tires, Excellent heater.)
- Do not take unflattering photos of your vehicle. (Clean it, inside and out – remove bumper stickers, photos of your ex)
- Don't focus on what you want. Think about what the buyer wants. Buyers want a vehicle that:
- Runs good – dependably.
- Gets good gas mileage.
- Looks good, no dents or mismatched paint.
- Smells better that a trash can.
- Has not been used in a crime spree.
- Is affordable (Note: this item may override all above wants)
Jody Potter
— Junkyard Life
— Junkyard Life
Have you seen a kooky Craigslist ad? Know of a quirky junkyard that we need to visit? Send emails to